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Abacus is a simple tool or a hardware used for performing rapid arithmetic calculations. Calculations based on abacus was invented at ancient times in china which later on spread through countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan etc. and now widely used as a whole Brain Development Programme.
                                                                   Standard 17 Rod Abacus
The standard abacus can be used to perform Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication; the abacus can also be used to extract square-roots and cubic roots. The beads are manipulated with either the index finger or the thumb of one hand

Abacus became popular over the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument into a system having Immense Power to Benefit children of small ages ( 4 to 12 years) by expanding the brain usage, in addition to making Maths learning easy and effective also abacus enhance child’s confidence, provide a sense of achievement, promote intuitive thinking, enhance problem-solving capability, enhance creativity, and improve concentration and mental endurance.

It is a scientific fact that human brain growth is at its peak potential in early childhood, it’s also a fact that all children process information differently. With the proper guidance and tools, children aged 4 to 12 years are capable of mastering mathematical skills and calculating ability that will yield benefits that last a lifetime.

                   Scientific analyses indicate Abacus training can improve a child’s ability to:
                                                         Observe, and process information.

But how can it accomplish all that, and so much more with Abacus?

Our brain has two hemispheres, the left brain and the right brain. The left brain is concerned with language , number skills, reasoning, scientific skills, spoken language and right hand control.

The right brain is concerned with art awareness,imagination,visual functions, emotions, music awareness, 3D forms and left hand control.

In summary , the left brain is for analytical tasks, whereas the right brain is for creative tasks.

About 95% of our children use only the left brain, but when we practicing ABACUS, children use a combination of right-left brain combination and it helps us to develop the right brain. In the Abacus Anzan (Mental Calculation) stage kids are visualizing the abacus to do calculations. This utilizes the left brain for logic and math and the right brain for visualizing the abacus, the beads and their position. 

It means to be sharp in creativity, imagination, music and art awareness ABACUS has an important role in a child’s life

An overview of the functions performed by Left vs Right given below:

Why Abacus is necessary?

Like any other organ of human body, our brain also needs regular exercise to keep it fit and sharp but how do we exercise our brain ? Mathematics provides the ideal exercise for our brain. Mathematics is the logical application of mind to tackle a particular problem. More time spent witmathematics would invariably result in a well exercised and a sharper brain. This is simply the reason why a child strong at mathematics is able to tackle other subjects with relative ease.


What is Mental Arithmetic?

  • Mental Arithmetic’ is a term used in Abacus for the calculations done in mind. 
  • Even large numbers can be calculated in mind, that too within seconds.
  • Mental arithmetic’ improves student’s imagination skills.
  • Effective in cracking competitive time based tests.
  • Mind calculation enhances the concentration level of child.

Why Wisdom Brains Abacus Academy

Wisdom Brains Abacus Academy classes offer a Customized and unmatched course, that is proven as a “Brain Development Program” for children. It is a advantage for kids as it enables them not only to learn to do mental calculation but also to utilize all functions of both left and right brain. We understand the importance of ‘play’ in a child’s life and implement playful methods in our course, so as to make their experience joyful and memorable translating into effective learning.

Listed below are the some benefits of Wisdom Brains Abacus course


Exclusive Study material

Individual Attention.

Certifications on completion of every level.

Active Interaction between teachers and students.

Congenial Atmosphere.

No Burdon on children

Mind Exercise.

Parent teacher feedback

Cost and time effective.

Regular Assessment.

Annual Championships.

Recognition and Awards.


Course Structure:

Total Levels 8 to 10
Course Duration (Each Level) 3 months
Sessions Twice a week
Daily Practice 10-15 Min
Eligibility Students should be in age group of 5 to 14 years
Certification On completion of each level

“Like any other skill, Practice is the key factor to master Abacus. To become a skilled operator, children have to spend atleast 10 minutes a day during the course of learning. After taking a new lesson on Abacus, student must practice the same for atleast 5 days before taking the next lesson. This is the reason why our Abacus centres conduct classes twice in a week rather than conducting the classes throughout the week.”

To Enroll your Child Call us: 9911-8484-89, 9211-363-163